<xmlpeek /> and <xmlpoke /> commands in NAnt are really useful when it comes to changing configuration files during your automated build process. But do we do when we need that functionality in PowerShell? I did not find any native implementation but it's really easy to implement your own. Here it goes:
function xmlPeek($filePath, $xpath) {
[xml] $fileXml = Get-Content $filePath
return $fileXml.SelectSingleNode($xpath).Value
function xmlPoke($file, $xpath, $value) {
$filePath = $file.FullName
[xml] $fileXml = Get-Content $filePath
$node = $fileXml.SelectSingleNode($xpath)
if ($node) {
$node.Value = $value
It accepts FileInfos so it can be easily used together with Get-ChildItem:
Get-ChildItem P:\MyProject -Include *.config -Recurse | %{ xmlPoke($_, "/configuration/connectionStrings/add[@name='MainConnectionString']/@connectionString", "DataSource=MyDB") }
Enjoy! :)